The Seven Line Prayer of Guru Rinpoche is a sacred prayer with layers of meaning. This prayer of ‘Calling the Lama’ invites Guru Rinpoche: Padmasambhava. The prayer has the potential to illuminate, inspire and transform our daily meditations. Uniting oneself with enlightened nature thru this invocation has vast benefit. At this time the supplications, chanting and repetitions of The Seven Line Prayer are dedicated to Adzom Rinpoche for his activities and continued good health.
The Seven Line Prayer ( Tibetan Transliteration)
Hung (Tibetan seed syllable and sound)
Or Gyen Yul Kyi Nub Chang Tsham
Pe Ma Ke Sar Dong Po La
Ya Tshen Chog Ki Ngo Drub Nye
Pe Ma Jung Ne Zhe Su Drag
Kor Du Kha Dro Mang Po Kor
Khye Kyi Je Su Dag Drub Kyi
Chin Kyi Lab Chir Sheg Su Sol
Gu Ru Pe Ma Sid Dhi Hung
On the northwest border of the Land of Orgyen
Upon a blooming lotus stalk is
An adept of amazing and supreme feats (siddhis)
Widely known as the Lotus Born,
Encircled by dakini retinues:
I will practice as you did.
Please come and bring your waves of splendor;
Guru bring me siddhis. HUM
(English translation: ” Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse” by Anne Carolyn Klein)
Reference Reading
” Commentary on the Seven Line Prayer of Guru Rinpoche” by Tulku Thondup Rinpoche
” Guru Rinpoche: His Life and Times” by Ngawang Zangpo
“Enlightened Journey: Buddhist Practice as Daily Life” by Tulku Thondup
May All Benefit: Jacqueline Mandell: Meditation Teacher