Sublime Green Tara Practice

by | Nov 1, 2015 | News

Tara in her myriad aspects manifest Noble Enlightened Qualities. The month of November will be dedicated to ‘The Sublime Green Tara from the Luminous Secret Vajra Treasury’ practice. Guided by Jacqueline Mandell. The 21 aspects of Tara, known as The 21 Tara’s will be included in each evening. Tara Mantra and prayers are sung around the world. Tara with her stance to help and assist is helpful practice for everyone. Tuesday Evenings 6:30pm-8:30pm at Samden Ling’s space at 1404 SE 25th Portland 97214 (at Madison) one block from SE Hawthorne. Suggested Donation $12.

21 Tara Temple

21 Tara Temple

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