by | Jan 11, 2012 | News

It has been a short Summer here in Portland and a long time since we have been in touch!  However, Samden Ling has been busy setting up a new weekly meditation class in response to your requests.  Gathering weekly to meditate, followed by short teachings is a great way to get familiar with the sangha and to develop a home meditation practice.  Therefore, every Thursday evening, Jacqueline Mandell will lead us in this series. Topics for the class will be as follows:

1. Foundation of Sitting Meditation Practice
2. Heart Opening Contemplations:

  • 8 Verses of Thought Transformation
  • 7 Point Cause & Effect
  • Aspirational Bodhicitta
  • Qualities of a Stable Loving Mind
  • What is Mantra?
  • What is Visualization?

The class will be held at the SeaChele Center, 1715 E Burnside in Portland, Oregon.  The SeaChele Center is on the top floor of a 3 story house with a parking lot as well as street parking.  Chairs are available and if you wish, bring a meditation cushion for floor seating.  Donations cover the cost of the venue and continuing support for Samden Ling.

Please email us to sign up for an individual class, or the entire series.  Suggested donation $10, and no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

In appreciation,


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Support Samden Ling and Our Mission