by | Jan 1, 2012 | News

Welcome to the first issue of the Samden News, a blog of Samden Ling’s activies and events.  Stay informed regarding our upcoming events such as special retreats and teachings, dharma activities such as animal release events (Sojin), and local events.

In addition, we will include short articles relating to practice, meditation, or other dharma topics, dharma quotes, book reviews, and related topics.

Click on the ‘Subscribe’ button to have new posts sent directly to your email inbox and make it easy to stay informed of our activities without having to check our website.

Quote of the Day:  “At night in darkness thick with clouds a lightning flash gives a moment’s brightness.  So, sometime, by the power of the Buddha, the mind of the world might for a moment turn to acts of merit….Those who long to transcend the hundreds of miseries of existence, who long to relieve creatures of their sorrows, who long to enjoy many hundreds of joys, must never abandon the Awakening Mind.”  Shantideva: The Bodhicaryavatara.

Yours in the Dharma,

Allyndreth Stead, Editor

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